It’s time I started introducing those lovely bloggers in my sidebar. There’s quite a few new faces and some old friends too. Remember you can still get 30% off ad spaces using the code JANTASTIC30. The code will expire at the end of this month.
Uncia + Tigris
Clare’s blog is new to me and I am already falling in love. Her words, her photos, her ethos and the meaning behind her blog name. I can’t wait to introduce you to her properly next week. Her weight lost story is incredible and I am going to try my best to keep her going with the Couch to 5k programme. Her blog is thoughtful and eloquent and you should go and say hello right now.
Bumpkin Betty
Jaclyn’s blog is beautiful! Beautiful I say. The design, the layout. I have serious blog envy. Her lifestyle blog is the perfect mix of reviews, fashion, recipes and (one I can actually get excited about now) weddings! I am loving her Wedding Wednesdays posts. That girl is wedding wise, as I quickly learn that I am not.
Post of the month: Designing an engagement ring part 1 – so that’s how you get those amazingly beautiful, unique Pinterest rings that you can’t find in any shops! I love my ring and love that Ben chose it, but if you’re after bespoke then this post is so informative!
The Lost Girl’s Playbook
Now it’s time to introduce you to the lovely Jenna Rose. A fellow book worm and creative spirit, her blog is all shiny and new and it’s great to be able to welcome her to the blogging world. I am rather envious that she is doing a creative writing degree. If only I could turn back time and realise, before I got to uni, that I really don’t enjoy glaciers and rocks very much.
Post of the month: A history of writing – her writing story is both inspiring and impressive considering Jenna is just starting her degree. I may have to probe her for some publishing tips.